Athens Greek Religion Seminar

Program, Spring 2023

Published: 2022-12-09

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Welcome to the Spring 2023 series of the Athens Greek Religion Seminar.


February 14, 17.00
Oliver Pilz: A Cult Statue of Aphrodite from Gerasa (Jerash)

March 14, 17.00
Gina Salapata: Male Boiotian Bust-Protomes: From Technique to Religious Meaning.

March 29, 17.00 
Round Table Discussion in Collaboration with the Roman Seminar
Silvana Blazevska, Dafni Maikidou-Poutrinou & Barbette Spaeth: Aspects of the Cult of Isis in Roman Greece

April 4, 17.00
Saskia Peels-Matthey: Understanding Gods as Networks of Meaning: Some Case Studies Considered

April 25, 17.00
Marion Meyer: Death of a Parthenos: the Case(s) of Aglauros

May 16, 17.00
Marcella Boglione: Relics of Ritual Performances at the Piano del Tamburino – Himera

June 6, 17.00
Sandra Blakely: The Anthropology of an Island Cult: Myth, Complexity, and Maritime Networks of the Mysteries of the Great Gods of Samothrace

June 20, 17.00
Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge & Gabriella Pironti: Rethinking Greek Goddesses: From Aphrodite to Hera

All seminars will take place at 17h (Athens time) with live presence at the Swedish Institute at Athens and via Zoom link.

More details about each seminar and its registration procedure will be available on our website,



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