To apply for field research in Greece

Published: 2021-01-13

The Swedish Institute at Athens can host six active field projects at a time: three collaborations with the Greek archaeological ephorates and three independent projects. Permission to conduct field research is granted by the Greek Ministry of Culture and Sports.

Swedish scholars interested in conducting field research in Greece should contact the SIA Director and read the following available information.

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Att ansöka om tillstånd för arkeologiskt fältarbete i Grekland.

Policydokument angående hantering av overhead vid Svenska institutet i Athen.

Archaeological Projects

Published: 2020-04-10

Map showing the location of fieldwork conducted by the Swedish Institute at Athens

Map showing the location of fieldwork conducted by the Swedish Institute at Athens

The first Swedish archaeological campaign in Greece took place in 1894 when Sam Wide and Lennart Kjellberg undertook excavations at the Sanctuary of Poseidon at Kalaureia (today the island of Poros). Since then a total of 13 sites have been explored by Swedish archaeologists. Most of them are located in the Peloponnese, but fieldwork has also been conducted on Crete, in Central Greece and Thrace. Today three projects include active ongoing field seasons (at Kalaureia, Vlochos and Hermione) while studies of previously excavated material from several other sites are undertaken continuously.

Ongoing archaeological projects

Under Publication


The shackled men of Phaleron: A 3D-model of a mass grave found in the Phaleron Delta Cemetery

A collaboration between the Ephorate of Antiquities of Piraeus and the Islands and the Swedish Institute at Athens

Published: 2021-09-09

Fig.1: The location of the cemetery, the probable total area, as seen in the actual Phaleron Bay from NW. ©Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports. Ephorate of Antiquities of Pireus and Islands.

Fig.1: The location of the cemetery, the probable total area, as seen in the actual Phaleron Bay from NW. ©Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports. Ephorate of Antiquities of Pireus and Islands.

The Phaleron Delta cemetery is spatially delimited by the sandy deposits of Phaleron Bay, most of which are not visible today due to the continuous earthworks that were initated at the beginning of the last century and continue uninterruptedly to this day. Excavations at the cemetery began in the late 19th century, continued in the early years of the 20th century and are being pursued to this day after a 100-year hiatus. (Fig.1) It is a spatially extended coastal cemetery, outside of the boundaries and the walls of Athens, but very close to its first harbour. Based on the excavation data, the period of its use can be placed from the last decades of the 8th century BC until the 4th century BC.

Vulnerability and Resilience of Assyrian and Yazidi Refugees in a Transit Migration

Naures Atto, Senior Research Associate Uppsala University

Published: 2021-04-02

”My guardian” by Jelbert Karami

"My guardian" by Jelbert Karami

During my guest researcher stay at the Swedish Institute in Athens, I aim to research the vulnerability and resilience strategies of Assyrian and Yazidi refugees in a transit migration context by making use of an ethnographic research design supported by archival research at several institutions in Greece. So far, no specific studies have been conducted among these groups in Greece. This study will help me to understand how these groups experience vulnerability in a transit migration context and how they build their resilience in different socio-cultural environments.

Contact and Conflict: The Greeks in Ancient Cyrenaica

Kristian Göransson, Ph.D.

Published: 2021-03-09

The Sanctuary of Apollo in Cyrene

The Sanctuary of Apollo in Cyrene

The project aims at studying a time and a place in the history of the Mediterranean that has not received the attention it deserves. For 600 years a flourishing Greek culture existed in today’s Eastern Libya. The area was dominated by Cyrene, a Greek colony founded in the 7th century BC, which in turn founded several Greek cities in this part of North Africa known as Cyrenaica.

Cyclic cities: Urbanisation and de-urbanisation in Archaic to Roman Greece

Robin Rönnlund, Wenner-Gren Fellow

Published: 2021-03-01

robin ronnlund wenner gren fellow

One of the greatest challenges to the global economy and ecology is the escalating urbanisation of the world population. By 2050, according to UN predictions, 66% of all humans will be settled in cities, putting enormous strain on food production and infrastructure, with further risks of epidemic disease and international conflict as consequences. To many, urbanisation appears to be an irreversible force, a tale of the triumph of the city and the degradation of the countryside to a productive unit.

Vlochos, Thessaly (2015– ongoing)

Greek-Swedish collaborative fieldwork in Western Thessaly

Published: 2020-04-07

Fig. 1: Map over the site of Vlochos (Basemap: Google maps satellite image).

Fig. 1: Map over the site of Vlochos (Basemap: Google maps satellite image).

The archaeological site of Vlochos is situated three kilometres north of the town of Palamas in western Thessaly, and consists of the large hill of Strongilovouni and its immediate surroundings. An archaeological field programme (The Vlochos Archaeological Project) was carried out here in 2016–2018 as a collaboration between the Ephorate of Antiquities of Karditsa and the Institute, aiming at surveying the extensive multi-period ancient remains found here.

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