Anghistri, Saronic Gulf (2024-ongoing)

Little Islandscape of the Saronic Project (LISP)

Published: 2025-01-29

Fig. 1: Map over the Saronic Gulf, indicating the survey study area in red. (Basemap: Google maps satellite image).

Fig. 1: Map over the Saronic Gulf, indicating the survey study area in red. (Basemap: Google maps satellite image).

From 2024 the Swedish Institute at Athens has been undertaking an archaeological fieldwalking investigation on the small islands of the Saronic Gulf as part of the Little Islandscape of the Saronic Project (LISP), with a permit from the Ephorate of Antiquities of Piraeus and the Islands, under direction of Dr. Christopher Nuttall (Swedish Institute at Athens). LISP is dedicated to documenting the smaller islands of the Saronic Gulf, a region between Attica and the Peloponnese.  


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