The Hekatomnid Andrones at the Sanctuary of Zeus at Labraunda

Talk by Pontus Hellström & Jesper Blid

Published: 2021-06-07

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The Swedish Institute at Athens and THE CIRCLE: Dialogues for Greek and Roman Architecture, have the pleasure to invite you to a talk by Pontus Hellström, Uppsala University, and Jesper Blid, Austrian Academy of Sciences:

The Hekatomnid Andrones at the Sanctuary of Zeus at Labraunda 

The seminar will take place on Monday June 14, 2021, at 19.00h (Athens time) via Zoom link.

Athens Greek Religion Seminar

Gunnel Ekroth, ”Gods, humans and a plot of land. Thoughts on the temenos”

Published: 2021-06-02

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Gunnel Ekroth, Uppsala University, will give a talk entitled Gods, humans and a plot of land. Thoughts on the temenos.

The seminar takes place Tuesday June 15, 2021, 17.00 (Athens time) via Zoom link. 


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