Advanced level course in the archaeology of ancient Greece, at the Swedish Institute at Athens (15 ECTS)

Fall semester 2024

Published: 2024-02-23

stora kursen

The course aims to deepen advanced students’ understanding of ancient Greece, ranging from Prehistory to historical periods. Through excursions, lectures, and library study, this is a great opportunity for students to acquire a contextualized in situ knowledge of archaeological material, excavation sites, monuments, and museum collections in Greece.

Application deadline: 15 April 2024

Advanced level course in the archaeology of ancient Greece, at the Swedish Institute at Athens (15 ECTS)

Fall semester 2022

Published: 2022-03-19

stora kursen

The course aims to deepen advanced students’ understanding of ancient Greece, ranging from Prehistory to historical periods. Through excursions, lectures, and library study, this is a great opportunity for students to acquire a contextualized in situ knowledge of archaeological material, excavation sites, monuments, and museum collections in Greece.

Application deadline: 19 April 2022

Advanced level course in the archaeology of ancient Greece, at the Swedish Institute at Athens (15 ECTS)

Fall semester 2021

Published: 2021-03-19

stora kursen

The course aims to deepen advanced students’ understanding of ancient Greece, ranging from Prehistory to historical periods. Through excursions, lectures, and library study, this is a great opportunity for students to acquire a contextualized in situ knowledge of archaeological material, excavation sites, monuments, and museum collections in Greece.

Application deadline: 15 April 2021.

Advanced level course in the archaeology of ancient Greece, at the Swedish Institute at Athens (15 ECTS)

Fall semester 2020

Published: 2020-03-19

stora kursen

The course aims to deepen advanced students’ understanding of ancient Greece, ranging from Prehistory to historical periods. Through excursions, lectures, and library study, this is a great opportunity for students to acquire a contextualized in situ knowledge of archaeological material, excavation sites, monuments, and museum collections in Greece.

Application deadline: 15 April 2020.

Confronting the Classics. The Ancient Past in Modern Rome & Athens, International course in Rome and Athens, April 16-29, 2018

Innehåll och antagning

Logos Athens and Rome

Rom och Athen har länge utövat ett dominerande inflytande på västerländska världsbilder. De två städerna anses ofta vara västerlandets vagga, katalysatorer av konst, filosofi och civilisation, tidlösa representanter för såväl demokrati som imperium. Samtidigt är både Rom och Athen huvudstäder i två relativt sett unga nationer med en turbulent modern historia. Vilken roll spelar uppfattningar av antiken i dessa moderna sammanhang? Denna tvärvetenskapliga kurs jämför Rom med Athen och möter på så vis det antika arvet och det ”klassiska” i samtiden. Genom en veckas diskussioner och undervisning i vardera stad utforskar vi det antika arvets internationella dragningskraft från 1700-talets Grand Tour till dagens massturism. Vi undersöker arkeologins inverkan på och samspel med samtida urbana landskap, och analyserar politiska användningar av ”klassiska” förebilder och det antika förflutna, från Napoleon till EU.

Multidisciplinary Perspectives on Ancient and Modern Democracy: the Challenges of an Ancient Idea in the Modern world

Demokratibild UU

In the autumn of 2017, the Swedish Institute at Athens, in collaboration with Uppsala University and Stockholm University, will organize an advanced level course about the concept of democracy. Democratic governance is something that is usually taken for granted in the Western world, but what does “democracy” really mean? What counted as democracy yesterday, what is democracy today, and how will we understand it tomorrow?

Total search results: 16

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