Athens Greek Religion Seminar

Christina Williamson & Alexandra Katevaini, ”Deep-mapping the Asklepieion of Pergamon – A road trip”

Published: 2021-05-17

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Christina Williamson & Alexandra Katevaini (University of Groningen) will give a talk entitled Deep-mapping the Asklepieion of Pergamon – A road trip.

The seminar takes place Tuesday May 25, 2021, 17.00 (Athens time) via Zoom link. 

Bear Garden

Representing Sweden at Athens Technopolis Jazz Festival, 2021

Published: 2021-05-11

Martin Wirén, the man behind the artist Bear Garden.

Martin Wirén, the man behind the artist Bear Garden.

The Swedish Institute at Athens has invited Martin Wirén, the man behind the artist Bear Garden, to perform at the 20th Athens Technopolis Jazz Festival.

Stay tuned on Friday, May 28 at 21:00 (Greek time).

Agios Elias of Asea, Arcadia. From early sanctuary to medieval village. Volume I.

Edited by Jeannette Forsén

Published: 2021-05-10

agios ilias asea 2

A brief four-week excavation campaign in 1997 at the temple on top of the mountain of Agios Elias at Asea produced abundant archaeological material which partly is presented in this study, along with a stratigraphic report of part of the excavated area. The pottery, miniature vessels, miscellaneous terracotta finds, roof tiles, faunal and human bones, glass, coins, sculpture and miscellaneous stone objects are included in the present work.

Swedish Doctors and Nurses on the Mediterranean Front Line

Digital lecture in Swedish by Frederick Whitling, ˮOrganisation, ledning och svenskt kungligt engagemang av hjälpinsatser i de två världskrigenˮ

Published: 2021-05-05

mod och blod 20210511 whitling

Svenska institutet i Athen hälsar er välkomna till ett föredrag av Frederick Whitling med titeln Or­ga­ni­sa­tion, led­ning och svenskt kung­ligt en­ga­ge­mang av hjäl­pin­sat­ser i de två världs­kri­gen.

Tisdag 11 maj, 2021, kl 19.00 (grekisk tid) di­gi­talt via Zoom. 


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