Vulnerability and Resilience of Assyrian and Yazidi Refugees in a Transit Migration

Naures Atto, Senior Research Associate Uppsala University

Published: 2021-04-02

”My guardian” by Jelbert Karami

"My guardian" by Jelbert Karami

During my guest researcher stay at the Swedish Institute in Athens, I aim to research the vulnerability and resilience strategies of Assyrian and Yazidi refugees in a transit migration context by making use of an ethnographic research design supported by archival research at several institutions in Greece. So far, no specific studies have been conducted among these groups in Greece. This study will help me to understand how these groups experience vulnerability in a transit migration context and how they build their resilience in different socio-cultural environments.

Expressions of regional identities in coroplastics - Mycenaean figurines in context

Ann-Louise Schallin, Professor at Department of Archaeology and Classical Studies, Stockholm University

Published: 2021-04-19

ann louise schallin stockholm

The focus of my research concerns the coroplastic material from the Swedish excavations at Asine in the 1920s. This unpublished material comprises small figurines of terracotta that often represent human beings and animals, but miniature furniture and boats also occur. The figurines were discovered in various archaeological contexts, but are linked to the cultic rituals in the Bronze Age and mirror social, economic and ideological conceptions and conditions. The assemblage of terracotta figurines also signals the local identity and self- representation of the inhabitants.

Athens Greek Religion Seminar

Ariadne Klonizaki, "Social Groups and the Cult of Asklepios"

Published: 2021-04-27

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Ariadne Klonizaki (National Archaeological Museum, Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports) will give a talk entitled Social Groups and the Cult of Asklepios.

The seminar takes place Wednesday May 5, 2021, 17.00 (Athens time) via Zoom link. 

Easter Greetings

Published: 2021-04-27

glad pask 2021

The Director and the staff of the Swedish Institute at Athens wish you a...

Happy Easter

Glad Påsk

Καλό Πάσχα

Swedish Doctors and Nurses on the Mediterranean Front Line

Digital lecture in Swedish by Görkem Çimen, ˮElsa Segerdahl i Labraunda 1948–1951 – en läkare åt arkeologer och lokalbefolkningˮ

Published: 2021-04-20

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Svenska institutet i Athen hälsar er välkomna till ett föredrag av Görkem Çimen med titeln Elsa Segerdahl i Labraunda 1948–1951 – en läkare åt arkeologer och lokalbefolkning.

Tisdag 27 april, 2021, kl 19.00 (grekisk tid) di­gi­talt via Zoom. 

Annual Open Meeting 2021

Friday, 23 April, 2021 at 7 p.m.

Published: 2021-04-12

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The Swedish Institute at Athens invites you to attend its Annual Meeting scheduled on Friday, 23 April, 2021 at 7 p.m.

Athens Greek Religion Seminar

Natalia Tsoumpra, "Ritual, obscenity, and female empowerment in Aristophanes’ Lysistrata"

Published: 2021-04-08

agrs 20210420 tsoumpra

Natalia Tsoumpra, University of Glasgow, will give a talk entitled Ritual, obscenity, and female empowerment in Aristophanes’ Lysistrata.

The seminar takes place Tuesday April 20, 2021, 17.00 (Athens time) via Zoom link. 

Swedish Doctors and Nurses on the Mediterranean Front Line

Digital lecture in Swedish by Ann-Margaret Mellberg, ˮClara Emilia Smitt: Från Saltjöbadens sanatorium till fältsjukhuset i Velestino under grekisk-turkiska kriget 1897ˮ

Published: 2021-04-06

mod och blod 20210413 mellberg

Svenska institutet i Athen hälsar er välkomna till ett föredrag av Ann-Margaret Mellberg med titeln Clara Emilia Smitt: Från Saltjöbadens sanatorium till fältsjukhuset i Velestino under grekisk-turkiska kriget 1897.

Tisdag 13 april, 2021, kl 19.00 (grekisk tid) di­gi­talt via Zoom. 


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