sync Curatorial Fellowship

@ The Swedish Institute in Athens

Published: 2019-10-30


Sync Curatorial Fellowship and the Nordic Association’s Curatorial Residency in Stockholm (CRIS) invites you for a drink and a conversation with curators Marita Muukkonen, Jonatan Habib Engqvist and artist Georges Salameh, coordinated by sync’s second edition Fellow, Power Ekroth, at the Swedish Institute at Athens on Wednesday, November 6, 2019.

Swedish Institute at Athens,
6 Mitseon Street, Athens
Doors open at 19:00. Conversation starts at 19:30.

The refreshments served are designed by the collective ‘Greece is for Lovers.’

The conversation will be conducted in English.

Athens Greek Religion Seminar

P. Iossif, ˮChremata and Symbola. How to consider divine attributes on royal heads: A numismatic perspectiveˮ

agrs 20191204 pic iossif

Panagiotis Iossif, Belgian School at Athens/
Radboud University Nijmegen, will give a talk entitled Chremata and Symbola. How to consider divine attributes on royal heads: A numismatic perspective

Wednesday December 4, 2019, at 15.00, at the Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9.


Gustav Karlsson Lectures on Byzantine Culture and Literature

Baujke van den Berg: ”From Ancient Models to Byzantine Literature: Studying Classics in Byzantium”

Published: 2019-10-25

gustav karlsson 2019

The Swedish Institute at Athens invites you to attend the Gustav Karlsson Biannual Lecture on Byzantine Civilization

From Ancient Models to Byzantine Literature: Studying Classics in Byzantium by Baujke van den Berg, Central European University (Budapest)

Friday November 1, 2019, at 19.00 at the Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9.


Water Works

P. Defteraios, N. Mamassis, G. Sachinis and E. Nestoridou ˮExploring the operation of Athensʼ hadrianic aqueductˮ

Published: 2019-10-24

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The Water Series will continue on Tuesday, October 29,  19.00, at the Swedish Institute at Athens (Mitseon 9) with the lecture Exploring the operation of Athensʼ Hadrianic aqueduct by P. Defteraios, N. Mamassis, G. Sachinis and E. Nestoridou.


Athens Greek Religion Seminar

S. Oikonomidis & N. Skoumi, ˮClay hands from the Cave of the Nymph Coroneia, in Boeotia. Gestures, rituals and the dynamics of symbolism of the handˮ

Published: 2019-10-07

agrs 2019 10 15 oikonomidis skoumi

Stavros Oikonomidis, Arcadia University & Nelli Skoumi, Ephorate of Palaeoanthropology and Speleology, will give a talk entitled Clay hands from the Cave of the Nymph Coroneia, in Boeotia. Gestures, rituals and the dynamics of symbolism of the hand

Tuesday October 15, 2019, at 15.00, at the Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9.

The reluctant activists: The ‘Greek case’ and the Scandinavian states’ ambivalence toward international human rights norms

Published: 2019-10-03

the greek case

The Swedish Institute at Athens is pleased to invite you to the lecture

The reluctant activists: The ‘Greek case’ and the Scandinavian states’ ambivalence toward international human rights norms

by Johan Karlsson Schaffer (Gothenburg University) that takes place on October 10, 2019, at 19h, at the Danish Institute at Athens, Chairefondos 14, Plaka.

Gästforskarvistelser vid Medelhavsinstituten

Published: 2019-10-02

Riksbankens Jubileumsfond

Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ) finansierar forskning vid de svenska Medelhavsinstituten i Aten, Istanbul och Rom.

Utlysningen riktar sig till forskare inom humaniora och samhällsvetenskap som bedriver forskning eller annat vetenskapligt arbete vid lärosäten, museer, arkiv och bibliotek eller motsvarande.


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