The Martin P. Nilsson Lecture on Greek Religion

Prof. Angelos Chaniotis, ˮThe Sound of Greek Religionˮ

Published: 2018-11-19

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The Swedish Institute at Athens invites you to attend THE MARTIN P. NILSSON LECTURE ON GREEK RELIGION

  • The Sound of Greek Religion

by Prof. Angelos Chaniotis, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton

Athens Greek Religion Seminar

Ch. Mitsopoulou, ˮ2008-2018: the Kernos-Plemochoe issue reconsideredˮ

Published: 2018-11-18

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Christina Mitsopoulou (Department of History, Archaeology and Social Anthropology, University of Thessaly) will give a talk entitled 2008-2018: the Kernos-Plemochoe issue reconsidered at the Swedish Institute (Mitseon 9), Tuesday, November 27, at 15.00.


Aegean Lecture

F. Iacono, ˮAt the Gates of Europe: the Aegean, the Adriatic and the Social Logic of Encounter during the LBAˮ

Published: 2018-11-12

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The Swedish In­sti­tute at Athens and Aegeus – So­ci­ety for Aegean Pre­his­tory in­vite you to the lec­ture:

At the Gates of Europe: the Aegean, the Adriatic and the Social Logic of Encounter during the LBA

Francesco Iacono (University of Cambridge)

Friday, 16 November, 2018, at 19.00, at the Swedish Institute at Athens (Mitseon 9, Acropolis Metro station)

Athens Greek Religion Seminar

J. Neils, ˮBulls and Rams for Erechtheus? Sacrificial Animals on the Parthenon Friezeˮ

Published: 2018-11-02

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Jenifer Neils will give a talk en­ti­tled Bulls and Rams for Erechtheus? Sacrificial Animals on the Parthenon Frieze at the Swedish In­sti­tute (Mit­seon 9), Tues­day, November 6, at 15.00.

All wel­come!


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