The Gustav Karlsson Lecture

The Gustav Karlsson lectures are organized biannually

Gustav Karlsson (1909–1995) was a Swedish classicist and Byzantinologist who donated his library to the Institute.

Held since 2009, the Gustav Karlsson lectures are organized biannually in order to enhance the status of Byzantinology as an academic topic in Sweden.

The Martin P. Nilsson Lecture

Lectures in ancient Greek religion in memory of Martin P. Nilsson are organized biannually at the Swedish Institute.

Martin Persson Nilsson (1874–1967) was a Swedish philologist, and a scholar of the Greek and Roman religious systems. In his prolific studies, he combined the literary evidence with the archaeological evidence, linking historic and prehistoric evidence for the evolution of the Greek mythological cycles…

Human-Environment Interaction in the Peloponnese over 5000 Years: An Integrated History

Kursen belyser samspelet mellan människa, miljö och klimat på Peloponnesos, Grekland. Historiska källor och arkeologiskt material kombineras med miljö- och klimatrekonstruktioner till ett tvärvetenskapligt angreppssätt som ger en ökad förståelse av kopplingen mellan miljöhistorisk och kulturhistorisk förändring från stenåldern till och med den romerska perioden (6800 f.Kr.– 300 e.Kr.)...


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