Aegean Lecture

Paraskevi Elefanti, ”A tale of two sites: Technological traditions at the Pleistocene to Holocene boundary in Greece, based on evidence from Boila Rockshelter and Kephalari Cave”

Published: 2024-03-27

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Aegeus-So­ci­ety for Aegean Pre­his­tory and the Swedish In­sti­tute at Athens in­vite you to the lec­ture

A tale of two sites: Technological traditions at the Pleistocene to Holocene boundary in Greece, based on evidence from Boila Rockshelter and Kephalari Cave

by Paraskevi Elefanti (Dr of Palaeolithic Archaeology).

Friday, March 29, 2024, at 19.00 (Athens), at the Swedish Institute at Athens (Mitseon 9, Acropolis Metro station). 

The lecture will be held in Greek. 

Aegean Lecture

Tasos Bekiaris, ”Stone technologies by the lake: the macrolithic assemblage from Neolithic Dispilio, Kastoria, NW Greece”

Published: 2024-02-09

aegean 20240223 bekiaris

Aegeus-So­ci­ety for Aegean Pre­his­tory and the Swedish In­sti­tute at Athens in­vite you to the lec­ture

Stone technologies by the lake: the macrolithic assemblage from Neolithic Dispilio, Kastoria, NW Greece

by Tasos Bekiaris, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

Friday, February 23, 2024, at 19.00 (Athens), at the Swedish Institute at Athens (Mitseon 9, Acropolis Metro station). 

The lecture will be held in English. 

Aegean Lecture

Katerina Kopaka, ”Little islands, big cultural issues. The Gavdos experience”

Published: 2023-12-12

aegean 20231215 kopaka

Aegeus-So­ci­ety for Aegean Pre­his­tory and the Swedish In­sti­tute at Athens in­vite you to the lec­ture

Little islands, big cultural issues. The Gavdos experience

by Katerina Kopaka, University of Crete.

Friday, December 15, 2023, at 19.00 (Athens), at the Swedish Institute at Athens (Mitseon 9, Acropolis Metro station). 

The lecture will be held in Greek. 

Gustav Karlsson Lecture on Byzantine Culture and Literature 2023

Dr. Siren Çelik: ”Daily Life in Late Byzantine Letters (14th-15th centuries)”

Published: 2023-12-05

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The Swedish Institute at Athens and the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul welcome you to the 2023 Gustav Karlsson Lecture on Byzantine Culture and Literature.

Dr. Siren Çelik, Marmara University, will give a paper entitled 

Daily Life in Late Byzantine Letters (14th-15th centuries).

The lecture takes place on Monday, December 11, 2023 at 18:00 (Athens) online via Zoom.

Aegean Lecture

Ioannis Soukantos, ”Intercommunal organization and contact networks in Eastern Macedonia during the Late Bronze Age: A cultural crossroad under investigation”

Published: 2023-11-20

aegean 20231124 soukantos

Aegeus-So­ci­ety for Aegean Pre­his­tory and the Swedish In­sti­tute at Athens in­vite you to the lec­ture

Intercommunal organization and contact networks in Eastern Macedonia during the Late Bronze Age: A cultural crossroad under investigation 

by Ioannis Soukantos, Ephorate of Antiquities of Lesvos.

Friday, November 24, 2023, at 19.00 (Athens), at the Swedish Institute at Athens (Mitseon 9, Acropolis Metro station). 

The lecture will be held in Greek. 

The Biannual Martin P. Nilsson Lecture on Ancient Greek Religion

Prof. Renaud Gagné: ”How to Write a Festival? The Ritual Archive of Ancient Greek Religion”

Published: 2023-11-14

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The Swedish Institute at Athens invites you to attend The Biannual Martin P. Nilsson Lecture on Ancient Greek Religion

How to Write a Festival? The Ritual Archive of Ancient Greek Religion

by Prof. Renaud Gagné, University of Cambridge, on Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 7 p.m. (Athens), in a hy­brid for­mat with live pres­ence at the Swedish In­sti­tute at Athens, Mit­seon 9, and on­line via Zoom.

Aegean Lecture

Christos G. Doumas, ”Fragments of ideology in the society of Prehistoric Thera”

Published: 2023-10-25

aegean 20231027 doumas

Aegeus-So­ci­ety for Aegean Pre­his­tory and the Swedish In­sti­tute at Athens in­vite you to the lec­ture

Fragments of ideology in the society of Prehistoric Thera (lecture in Greek)

by Christos G. Doumas (Director of the Akrotiri excavations), who will present the recent excavations carried out at Akrotiri, Thera.

Friday, October 27, 2023, at 19.00, at the Swedish Institute at Athens (Mitseon 9, Acropolis Metro station). 

The lecture will also be the 2023 Aegeus Annual Meeting.

Sustainable design, innovation & climate change

Lecture by Magnus Rönn

Published: 2023-10-04

20231011 ronn

The Master’s Program of the University of West Attica Sustainable Design of Architectural Space invites you to the open lecture of Professor Magnus Rönn, Chalmers University of Technology, entitled:  

Sustainable design, innovation & climate change.

The lecture is introduced by Professor Athanasios Kouzelis and takes place on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, at 12 noon at the Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9.

Total search results: 59

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