Merry Christmas and a
Kαλά Χριστούγεννα
Aegean Lecture
D. Nenova, ˮLate Bronze Age Social Landscapes of the Southeast Balkansˮ

Aegeus and the Swedish Institute at Athens invite you to a lecture by Denitsa Nenova:
Late Bronze Age Social Landscapes of the Southeast Balkans
The lecture takes place on Friday December 20, 2019, at 19.00h, at the Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9, Athens.
Athens Greek Religion Seminar
J. Barringer, ˮThe Workings of Treasuries in Greek Sanctuariesˮ
Published: 2019-12-10

Judy Barringer, University of Edinburgh, will give a talk entitled The Workings of Treasuries in Greek Sanctuaries
Tuesday, December 17, 2019, at 15.00, at the Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9.
The ˮGreek Caseˮ in the Council of Europe: a Game Changer for International Law and Human Rights?
Διεθνές Συνέδριο, 12-14 Δεκεμβρίου
Published: 2019-12-04

The Swedish Institute at Athens is pleased to invite you to the international conference
The "Greek Case" in the Council of Europe: a Game Changer for International Law and Human Rights?
December 12-14, 2019, Alkis Argyriadis Amphitheatre, University of Athens
Seminar by Gary Webster
Interrogating Monte dʼAccoddi: The great temple mound of 4th-millennium Sardinia
Published: 2019-12-02

The Swedish Institute at Athens welcomes you to a talk by
Gary Webster
Interrogating Monte dʼAccoddi:
The great temple mound of 4th-millennium Sardinia.
The seminar takes place Monday December 9, 2019, at 19.00
at the Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9.