Book presentation: "You give me the freedom not to belong"
by Jila Mossaed
Published: 2021-11-18

The Municipal Library in Kavalla "Vassilis Vasilikos" and the Swedish Institute at Athens/Kavallahuset, invites you to a presentation of the poetry book
You give me the freedom not to belong by Jila Mossaed.
Published by Bachikon publishing house, 2021.
The event takes place on Wednesday, December 1, 2021 at 18:00 in Kavallahuset’s library (Emilianou 13, Kavalla).
The book will be presented by:
- Despina Kaitatzi - Choulioumi, clinical psychologist (MSc) poet and translator of the book
- Georgia Triantafyllidou, poet
Excerpts from the book will be read by:
- Katerina Iliadou, philologist
The author herself will be present at the event.
The event will be coordinated by the journalist from Athens’ news agency Vassilis Lolidis.
NOTE: Due to the restrictive measures to ensure the protection of public health due to covid-19, it is necessary to pre-register on telephone 2513500401 (Library opening hours) to participate in the event.
All prescribed health protocols will be followed (use of masks is mandatory).
A few words about the book...
Jila Mossaed is a great poet, archetypical and human at the same time, not because of what she symbolizes (the bridge between West and East, like a modern Europe), but because she suffers and sympathizes with all wise beings. Skillful in empathy, she transforms pain into passion for life, for light, for freedom, equality and justice (the written and the unwritten, the things to which Sophocles’ Antigone and all pure souls who have not been soiled by the turbulence of life are governed by).
A few words about the author...
Jila Mossaed was born in Tehran in 1948. She has been writing poetry since childhood. At the age of 17, she wrote her first book. After studying in the United States and Iran, she worked in Iranian radio and television. After Khomeini took power in 1979, she lost her job and in 1986 she left her country for Sweden. She started writing in Swedish and in 1997 she published her first book. She became a member of the Swedish Academy on October 4, 2018. She has written ten collections of poems and two novels in Farsi, eight collections of poems and two plays in Swedish. She has received many awards in Sweden and one in France.
Attached file: Invitation