Filip Jers Quartet
Representing Sweden at Athens Jazz Festival & Preveza Jazz Festival
Published: 2019-05-22

The Swedish Institute at Athens has invited Filip Jers Quartet to perform at the:
- 19th Athens Technopolis Jazz Festival on Thursday, May 30, at 21.00 and
- 17th Preveza Jazz Festival on Friday, May 31, at 21.00
Furthermore, the Filip Jers Quartet will give a master class and a concert for the students of the department of Music Studies at Ionian University
- Master Class – Wednesday, May 29 2019, at 11.30 am, Ionian University
- Concert – Wednesday, May 29 2019, at 8.30 pm, Ionian University
Attached file: Invitation
Filip Jers Quartet
The band consists of Filip Jers (Harmonica), Henrik Hallberg (Guitar), Vilhelm Bromander (Double Bass), Wille Alin (Drums).
Filip Jers Quartet has refined the idea of a meeting between jazz and traditional folk music and applied it to a contemporary jazz ensemble where the harmonica plays the lead role. The results have attracted attention from jazz festivals and jazz clubs at both the national and international level. If the quartet in their critically acclaimed debut CD Filip Jers Quartet took inspiration from Toots Thielemans they are now moving towards the strong tradition of Nordic Jazz, following the path of Swedish jazz legend and pianist Jan Johansson, among others. On stage, they show a playfulness and virtuosity that rarely leave anyone unaffected.
Spring 2014 Swedish television broadcasted a documentary about Filip Jers, where the quartet had a prominent role. Their music has also been played frequently on Swedish radio.
Words from the press about Filip Jers Quartet:
”Colourful and imaginative jazz music” - Orkesterjournalen
”Jazz legend and harmonica player Toots Thielemans, 91 years old, is still active and giving concerts. When he retires he can feel safe that Filip Jers will continue his legacy.” - Nerikes Allehanda
”The responsive interplay of the quartet is full of trust, almost as if they anticipate each others thoughts and musical impulses.” - Kristianstadsbladet
For more information:
Filip Jers:
Athens Technopolis Jazz Festival:
Preveza Jazz Festival: