Gustav Karlsson Lectures on Byzantine Culture and Literature

Gustav Karlsson (1909–1995) was a Swedish classicist and Byzantinologist who donated his library to the Institute.

Held since 2009, the Gustav Karlsson lectures are organized biannually in order to enhance the status of Byzantinology as an academic topic in Sweden.

2024, 19-Nov, Aglae Pizzone (University of Southern Denmark), ‘Ques­tions of metho­dos: the re­cep­tion of Byzan­tine rhetor­i­cal the­ory in Early Mod­ern Eu­rope’

2023, 5-Dec, Siren Çelik (Marmara Üniversitesi), ‘Daily Life in Late Byzantine Letters (14th-15th Centuries)’

2022, 20-Dec, Stratis Pappaioannou (University of Crete), ‘Readerly Pleasures in Byzantium’

2021, 11-Nov, Ingela Nilsson (Uppsala University) ‘A Man of Letters, A Man of War: John Axouch at the Komnenian Court’

2019, 1-Nov, Baujke Van Den Berg (Central European University), ‘From Ancient Models to Byzantine Litterature: Studying Classics in Byzantium’

2016, 26-Jan, Arja Karavieri (Stockholms University) ‘Beauty in the works of God and in the works of men: Early Christian Views on the Works of Art’

2013, 21-Nov, Adam Goldwynn (Uppsala University), ‘Double, Double, Toil and Trouble: An Ecofeminist Reading of Witches in Byzantine Romances’

2011, 10-Nov, David Westberg (Uppsala University), ‘The Rhetoric of Early Palestinian Monasticism: Classical Paideia in the Wilderness’

2009, 20-Nov , Ingela Nilsson (Uppsala University), ‘Court Ceremonial, Literary Letters: A Twelfth Century Poet and his Rhetorical Persona’

Research/ Gustav Karlsson Lectures

Gustav Karlsson Lectures on Byzantine Culture and Literature

Gustav Karlsson (1909–1995) was a Swedish classicist and Byzantinologist who donated his library to...

Gustav Karlsson Lecture on Byzantine Culture and Literature 2024

Gustav Karlsson Lecture on Byzantine Culture and Literature 2024


The Swedish Institute at Athens and the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul welcome you to the 2024 Gustav...

Gustav Karlsson Lecture on Byzantine Culture and Literature 2023

Gustav Karlsson Lecture on Byzantine Culture and Literature 2023


The Swedish Institute at Athens and the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul welcome you to the 2023...

Gustav Karlsson Lecture on Byzantine Culture and Literature 2022

Gustav Karlsson Lecture on Byzantine Culture and Literature 2022


The Swedish Institute at Athens and the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul welcome you to the Gustav...

Gustav Karlsson Lectures on Byzantine Culture and Literature

Gustav Karlsson Lectures on Byzantine Culture and Literature


The Swedish Institute at Athens and the Swedish Research Institute in Istanbul have the pleasure to announce...

Gustav Karlsson Lectures on Byzantine Culture and Literature

Gustav Karlsson Lectures on Byzantine Culture and Literature


The Swedish Institute at Athens invites you to attend the Gustav Karlsson Biannual Lecture on Byzantine...


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