Malthi Revisited

A Fortified Bronze Age Settlement in Messenia.Work in Progress Workshop

Reconstruction of Malthi in LH I

Swedish Institute at Athens May 23 2018


10.00-10.25  Michael Lindblom: Introduction

10.25-10.50  Vasiliki Tsoumari: Connectivity in Middle and Late Helladic Northern Messenia

10.50-11.15  Rebecca Worsham: Data Mining: The 2015-2017 Fieldwork Seasons

11.15-11.40  Michael Lindblom: Pottery and Periods: The Chronology of Malthi

11.40-12.10  Coffee

12.10-12.35  Rebecca Worsham: A Wealth of Walls: The built environment

12.35-13.00  Claire Zikidi: Faunal and Human Remains

13.00-13.25  Daniel Fallu: Soil Formation and Micromorphology

13.25-13.45  Michael Lindblom: Visualization and Reconstruction

13.45-14.00  Closing remarks

Attached files: Programme, Invitation

Archaeological Projects: Malthi

Malthi, Messenia (1926–1929, 1933–1934, 1952, 2015–2017)

Malthi, Messenia (1926–1929, 1933–1934, 1952, 2015–2017)


During the Bronze Age a flourishing community existed on and around Malthi, the northern spur of the...

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Malthi Revisited

Malthi Revisited

Malthi Revisited. A Fortified Bronze Age Settlement in Messenia. Work in Progress Workshop Swedish Institute...

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Malthi Mapping Project

Malthi Mapping Project


The third season of work at the fortified settlement of Malthi in Messenia started on June 5th. Excavation...

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Malthi revisited - 2016


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