Utlysning praktik VT-2021

Published: 2020-10-27

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Praktik på Svenska institutet i Athen

Svenska institutet i Athen utlyser möjlighet till praktik under 3-6 veckor, VT 2021. 

Behörig att söka praktikplatserna är den som är student (eller nyligen har avlagt examen) i Antikens kultur och samhällsliv eller annat ämne relevant för institutets verksamhet.

Ansökan senast den 1 december.

New Head Librarian of the Nordic Library at Athens

Published: 2020-10-12

Photo: Lars Lørdahl, UiO.

Photo: Lars Lørdahl, UiO.

The Swedish Institute welcome Dr Jens Mangerud as the new Head Librarian of the Nordic Library at Athens.

Jens holds his doctorate from the University of Oslo in the field of Ancient Greek Papyrology and has worked as a Senior Academic Librarian at the University of Oslo Library where he was the Subject Specialist for Ancient Greek and Latin. He has also managed and been involved in the digitalization of the University Library’s papyrus collection. 

Workshop: New Currents in Ancient Water Studies

Published: 2020-09-30

poster new currents in ancient water studies

Invitation to the workshop


November 10, 2020

The digital workshop New Currents in Ancient Water Studies is arranged in cooperation between the Swedish Institute at Athens and the Frontinus Gesellschaft. The event aims to present ongoing projects studying the water supply in the ancient world from the Levant and North Africa to the northern provinces of the Empire and Rome itself.

European Day of Languages 2020

Take part in our European Day of Languages Multilingual Scavenger Hunt!

Published: 2020-09-17

edl banner 2020

Join us live, on Saturday 26 September 2020 from 15.00 to 21.00, on a unique online journey from one European country to another via an interactive map and discover the fascinating world of languages through an exciting digital scavenger hunt.

Athens Greek Religion Seminar

J. van Rookhuijzen, ˮThe Erechtheion on the Acropolis of Athensˮ

Published: 2020-09-10

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Janric van Rookhuijzen, will give a talk entitled The Erechtheion on the Acropolis of Athens

Tuesday September 22, 2020, 15.00, at the Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9.

Participation in the seminar is very limited!

Job vacancy for a Librarian at the Nordic Library at Athens

Published: 2020-06-16


Det Nordiske Biblioteket i Athen er et fagbibliotek for arkeologi og antikkens kultur. Biblioteket drives av de fire nordiske instituttene i Athen og inneholder litteratur først og fremst innenfor klassisk arkeologi, historie og filologi. Samlingene består av cirka 40 000 bind. Biblioteket ligger i distriktet Makrigianni sentralt i Athen, i nærheten av de nordiske instituttene. Biblioteket ledes av et styre bestående av direktørene for de fire nordiske instituttene. Biblioteket drives av to ansatte, hvorav en er administrativt ansatt og en er bibliotekar. Biblioteket anvendes først og fremst av forskere og studenter fra Norden, Hellas og andre land. Det finnes 33 studieplasser på biblioteket.

Athens Greek Religion Seminar

D. Ignatiadou, ˮBurial Practices for Elite Macedonians with Cultic Dutiesˮ

Published: 2020-03-23

event postponed

Despina Ignatiadou, will give a talk entitled Burial Practices for Elite Macedonians with Cultic Duties

Tuesday April 7, 2020, 15.00, at the Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9.


Advanced level course in the archaeology of ancient Greece, at the Swedish Institute at Athens (15 ECTS)

Fall semester 2020

Published: 2020-03-19

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The course aims to deepen advanced students’ understanding of ancient Greece, ranging from Prehistory to historical periods. Through excursions, lectures, and library study, this is a great opportunity for students to acquire a contextualized in situ knowledge of archaeological material, excavation sites, monuments, and museum collections in Greece.

Application deadline: 15 April 2020.

Total search results: 388

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