Published: 2023-10-25

jubileumsfirande 20231115 4

The Swedish Institute at Athens invites you to attend the celebration of its 75th anniversary, to be held in the auditorium “Dimitrios Pantermalis” at the Acropolis Museum, Dionysiou Areopagitou 15, on Wednesday, November 15, 2023, at 7.00 pm. It will be a festive ceremony that celebrates not only the Institute itself, but also 75 years of fruitful collaboration and exchange between Sweden and Greece. 

HRH Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden, the Swedish Minister for Education, Mr Mats Persson, and the General Director of Antiquities and Cultural Heritage of the Hellenic Ministry of Culture, Dr Polyxeni Adam-Veleni, will deliver their greetings through pre-recorded video messages.

RSVP by Monday, November 6, to is mandatory to attend the event.

For details, please see the attached programme.

The event is sponsored by AstraZaneca, Ericsson Hellas S.A. and IKEA. 

We very much hope you can join us!

Attached file: Programme

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