Aegean Lecture

A. Alexandridou, ˮKinship relations & Social organisation in 8th-century BC Attica: the archaeological dataˮ

Published: 2020-01-22

aegean lecture 2020 01 31 alexandridou

Aegeus and the Swedish Institute at Athens invite you to a lecture by Alexandra Alexandridou (University of Ioannina):

Kinship relations & Social organisation in 8th-century BC Attica: the archaeological data (in Greek)

The lecture takes place on Friday January 31, 2019, at 19.00h, at the Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9, Athens.

The notion of kinship is of immense importance for the study of early societies, due to its major role in all aspects of life. In Homeric and Ηesiodic narrations, the idea of descent from a clan/tribe is missing. Kinship appears as a fluid notion, not strictly determinable through biology, but as a combined construction of biological relatedness and desired connection.

Focusing on 8th-century Attica, I will attempt to use the data from both the necropoleis and the few habitation nuclei as the archaeological traces of people, who did not live and act as individuals, but as feeling members of some intentional groupings dictated by kinship ideas. Through this path, the social organisation of Attica at the time will be hopefully enlightened.

At­tached file: Ab­stract

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