… and get access to our seminars and lectures!

watch us on YouTube

The Swedish Institute’s seminars and lectures can now be accessed though our new YouTube Channel.

We warmly thank all speakers for outstanding contributions and we are happy to announce that they can now be accessed through our you tube channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCCmj4bFxG_MqtXhyAQ-DJ1Q

Institute News/ Announcements

Scholarships Fall Term 2025 / Spring Term 2026 at the Swedish Institute at Athens

Scholarships Fall Term 2025 / Spring Term 2026 at the Swedish Institute at Athens


Styrelsen för Svenska institutet i Athen ledigförklarar härmed Institutets två stora forskningsstipendier...

Small Scholarships 2025/2026 at the Swedish Institute at Athens

Small Scholarships 2025/2026 at the Swedish Institute at Athens


Styrelsen för Svenska institutet i Athen ledigförklarar härmed två mindre forskningsstipendier för...

The Society of the Friends of the Institute Scholarship

The Society of the Friends of the Institute Scholarship


Föreningen Svenska Atheninstitutets Vänner utlyser härmed ett stipendium om 10 000 kronor. Stipendiet...

Erik Hallager (1945-2024)

Erik Hallager (1945-2024)


The Swedish Institute at Athens is sad to announce that our long-term collaborator Erik Hallager passed...

Summer Greetings

Summer Greetings


The Director and the staff of the Swedish Institute at Athens wish you a relaxing summer!...

Easter Greetings

Easter Greetings


The Director and the staff of the Swedish Institute at Athens wish you a... Happy Easter Glad Påsk Καλό...

The Society of the Friends of the Institute Scholarship

The Society of the Friends of the Institute Scholarship


Föreningen Svenska Atheninstitutets Vänner utlyser härmed ett stipendium om 20 000 kronor till masterstudenter...

Scholarship Spring Term 2025 at the Swedish Institute at Athens

Scholarship Spring Term 2025 at the Swedish Institute at Athens


Styrelsen för Svenska institutet i Athen ledigförklarar härmed Institutets stora forskningsstipendium...


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