Athens Greek Religion Seminar

Programme, Spring 2018

Welcome to the Spring 2018 series of Athens Greek Religion Seminars.

Preliminary programme

January 16, 19.00
Nanno Marinatos: The New Minoan religion: Was Evans or Nilsson Right?

January 29, 15.00
Tyler Jo Smith: Religious Drama: Sacred Space on Ancient Greek Vases and Reliefs

February 6, 15.00
Brady Kiesling: Aiming at the Gods: A Different Angle on Greek Temple Orientation

March 6, 15.00
Cécile Durvye: Artémis dans les grands sanctuaires d’Apollon: un programme de recherche collectif en cours à Aix-en-Provence

March 27, 15.00
Aaron Beck-Schachter: The Circulation of Belief: Mobile Cult Icons in Archaic and Classical Greece

April 17, 15.00
Paschalis Paschidis: Artemis Ephesia in the northwestern confines of Roman Macedonia: a case of competing Artemides

May 8, 15.00
Edward Harris: Signs vs. Laws and Decrees in Regulations about Sacred Matters

May 22, 15.00
Despina Iossif: When Christians Had Come into the World, the Universe Went to Ruin’.-‘Come on! Christians Do Not Differ From Other People!

June 12, 15.00
Elias Koulakiotis: Arrian the Priest: Religious Expertise in Local and Imperial Context

Attached files: Programme

All seminars are free of charge and take place at the Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9. No registration is required.


For questions, please contact jenny.wallensten[at]sia[dot]gr

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