Call for papers: Vikings in the Mediterranean

international conference in Athens, 28-30 November 2019

Δημοσιευμένο: 2019-01-25

The “Viking Age,” roughly 750-1050 CE/AD, is usually associated with the raids or wholesale movement of people from Scandinavia along the coasts of western and Atlantic Europe. Few non-specialists associate the same Norse populations with eastern Europe (the Rus), although they have had a comparably significant role in the political history of that part of the world. Fewer still, however, are aware of the robust Norse presence in the Mediterranean. Individually or in groups, Scandinavians were raiders, mercenaries, merchants, and—in some cases—settlers in the lands surrounding the “Middle Sea” (Miðjarðarhav). Many traces of this presence and the ensuing interaction remain to this day, seen in the material culture and the flow of objects between southern and northern Europe. Moreover, these traces are also visible in historical accounts, linguistics, iconography, and to some extent even in the social changes within the communities that took part in this exchange. This body of evidence has not gone unnoticed by scholars interested in this period and it has been addressed to some extent in the past. Nevertheless, this field of research has not hitherto seen a focused discussion within the framework of a dedicated scientific meeting, which could be of benefit to all concerned.

The international conference “Vikings in the Mediterranean,” co-organized by the Norwegian, Swedish, and Danish Institutes at Athens in the year of the Norwegian Institute’s 30th anniversary, aims to change that by bringing together scholars from various disciplines interested in the varied ways that the Norse have shaped the historical events of the medieval Mediterranean, and vice versa. In addition, our goal is to provide a meeting opportunity for scholarly communities that do not usually have open lines of communication, e.g. between colleagues working in the Mediterranean and those in Scandinavia. Finally, we hope that this conference will result in the publication of a comprehensive proceedings volume, which will address this topic in all its multifaceted aspects.

We welcome contributions on any aspect of Norse-Mediterranean relationship and invite scholars representing various scientific disciplines that can contribute to this discussion. We would, however, particularly like to see contributions related to the following overarching topics:

  • Archaeological, literary, and iconographic evidence for Viking presence in the Mediterranean
  • Mediterranean influences on early urbanization processes in Scandinavia
  • Norse society and culture before and after the contacts with the Mediterranean
  • Gender roles in northern and southern Europe during the Viking Age

Application deadline: MARCH 30, 2019

Conference dates: 28-30 November 2019

Conference location: Athens, Greece (venue to be determined)

Conference language: English

Conference format: 20 minute presentations followed by 10 minute discussion (max. 30 min).

How to apply:

To apply please send an email to the conference email address including the following information:

(1) title of your paper,

(2) names of all (co-)authors, specifying the corresponding author and their email address

(3) academic or professional affiliations of all (co-)authors, and

(4) abstract of maximum 300 words.

All information must be sent in English.

Upon the receipt of all applications, the Scientific Committee will select papers to be included in the conference, based on their scholarly merit and relevance. The Organizing and Scientific Committees will also assign papers to specific sessions.


Organizing Committee:

Žarko Tankosić, Norwegian Institute at Athens
Jenny Wallensten, Swedish Institute at Athens
Kristina Winther-Jacobsen, Danish Institute at Athens


Scientific Committee:

Marianne Hem Eriksen, University of Cambridge
Charlotte Hedenstierna-Johnson, University of Uppsala
Frode Iversen, University of Oslo (KHM)
Carsten Jahnke, University of Copenhagen-Saxo Institute
Neil Price, University of Uppsala
Søren Michael Sindbæk, Aarhus University

Attached file: Call for papers

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