WESTERN WAYS: Foreign Schools in Rome and Athens
Παρουσίαση βιβλίου από τον συγγραφέα Frederick Whitling
Δημοσιευμένο: 2020-01-13
Σας προσκαλούμε στην παρουσίαση του βιβλίου WESTERN WAYS: Foreign Schools in Rome and Athens (DE GRUYTER 2018) από τον συγγραφέα δρ Frederick Whitling, που θα πραγματοποιηθεί την Πέμπτη 30 Ιανουαρίου 2020 και ώρα 19.00 στο Σουηδικό Ινστιτούτο Αθηνών, Μητσαίων 9.
In Western Ways, for the first time, the "foreign schools" in Rome and Athens, institutions dealing primarily with classical archaeology and art history, are discussed in historical terms as vehicles and figureheads of national scholarship. By emphasising the agency and role of individuals in relation to structures and tradition, the book shows how much may be gained by examining science and politics as two sides of the same coin. It sheds light on the scholarly organisation of foreign schools, and through them, on the organisation of classical archaeology and classical studies around the Mediterranean. With its breadth and depth of archival resources, Western Ways offers new perspectives on funding, national prestige and international collaboration in the world of scholarship, and places the foreign schools in a framework of nineteenth and twentieth century Italian and Greek history.
Συνημμένα αρχεία: Πρόσκληση, πληροφορίες για το βιβλίο
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