Aegean Lecture

L. Sørensen, ˮJade axes in the Aegean and Ana­to­lia - the emer­gence of a new net­workˮ

Published: 2018-10-01

Aegean lecture  Lasse Sorensen SYROS

The Swedish In­sti­tute at Athens and Aegeus – So­ci­ety for Aegean Pre­his­tory in­vite you to the lec­ture:

Jade axes in the Aegean and Ana­to­lia - the emer­gence of a new net­work

Lasse Sørensen, An­cient Cul­tures of Den­mark and the Mediter­ranean,The Na­tional Mu­seum of Den­mark.

Friday 5 October 2018, at 19.00, at the Swedish Institute at Athens (Mitseon 9, Acropolis Metro station)

The largest known jadeite source in the Aegean is lo­cated on the Cy­cladic is­land of Sy­ros. Dur­ing sam­pling, sev­eral flakes and pre­forms of con­sid­er­able age were iden­ti­fied, demon­strat­ing, for the first time, the pres­ence of sev­eral knap­ping places around the large jadeite boul­ders on Sy­ros.

At­tached file: Ab­stract

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