Spatial Approaches to Ancient Greek and Cypriot Landscapes


Publicerad: 2023-12-19

spatial approaches 20240125 workshop

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Spatial approaches to Greek and Cypriot landscapes.

Torsdag 25 januari, 2024, kl 15.00-19.00 (gre­kisk tid) med fy­sisk när­va­ro på Svens­ka in­sti­tu­tet i Athen och di­gi­talt via Zoom. För ytterligare information kontakta

Workshoppen finansieras av Vetenskapsrådet.


15.00 – Dr. Christopher Nuttall – Introduction

Postdoctoral fellow, Swedish Institute at Athens and National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

15.10 – Dr. Giorgos Sofianos – Organization of Space in Prepalatial Crete: The Example of Myrtos Fournou Korifi Settlement

Archaeologist, Dipylon Society

15.35 – Dr. Christopher Nuttall – Spatial markers of coastscape engagement in Aegean prehistory

Postdoctoral fellow, Swedish Institute at Athens and National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

16.00 – Dr. Kalliopi Efkleidou – Divided and connected: multi-scalar analysis of the settlement landscape of the Late Bronze Age central Macedonia

Archaeologist, Netherlands Institute at Athens


17.00 – Dr. Sergios Menelaou – Ceramic landscapes in the northeast Aegean islands: ’mapping’ prehistoric connectivity through pottery analysis.

Postdoctoral fellow, British School at Athens

17.25 – Professor Konstantinos Kopanias1, Ioannis Bairaktaris2, Andreas Ladas2 and Efstratios Mavros2 Mental Maps and the Development of Ancient Cartography: the Case of Ps.-Skylax and Stadiasmus

1 Associate Professor, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

2 PhD Candidate, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

17.50 – Andreas Ladas and Dimitris Papageorgiou – Coastal Sanctuaries between Coast and Sea Scapes: a Mariner’s View according to Ps.-Scylax

PhD Candidates, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens

18.15 – Professor Alex Knodell (via videolink) – Remote Sensing, Lidar Analysis, and Quantifying Landscapes in Small Cycladic Islands

Associate Professor, Carleton College

18.40 – General discussion.

Note: Presentations are 20 minutes with 5 minutes reserved for questions.

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