Bridges. En gemensam föreläsningsserie för de svenska instituten i Athen och Rom

Eva Rystedt: "Greek and Roman imagery: Taking a wide view of a large theme"

Publicerad: 2023-02-28

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De svenska instituten i Athen och Rom har nöjet att presentera den gemensamma föreläsningsserien Bridges.

Eva Rystedt, Lunds universitet, kommer att hålla en föreläsning med titeln

Greek and Roman imagery: Taking a wide view of a large theme.

Föreläsningen ges i hybridformat, med fysisk närvaro på Svenska institutet i Athen, Mitseon 9, och digitalt via Zoom, torsdagen den 16 mars, 2023, kl. 18 (Rom/Sverige) kl. 19 (Athen)

Athens Greek Religion Seminar

Gina Salapata: ”Male Boiotian Bust-Protomes: From Technique to Religious Meaning”

Publicerad: 2023-02-28

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Väl­kom­na till ett fö­re­drag av Gina Salapata, Massey University, med ti­teln

Male Boiotian Bust-Protomes: From Technique to Religious Meaning.

Tisdag 14 mars, 2023, kl 17.00 (Athen) med fy­sisk när­va­ro på Svens­ka in­sti­tu­tet i Athen och di­gi­talt via Zoom.

Going against the flow. Wells, cisterns and water in ancient Greece.

Edited by Patrik Klingborg.

Publicerad: 2023-02-15

going against the flow

Published by the Swedish Institute at Athens. Distributed by AB. All content available with open access.

Despite the prevalent picture of the water supply in the ancient world as being dominated by fountains and aqueducts, the large number of excavated wells and cisterns show that these were the primary water sources for most individuals. Yet, little research has been done on their construction, function and use. This prompted the organization of the workshop Going against the flow. Wells, cisterns and water in ancient Greece, held at the Swedish Institute at Athens on 28–29 September 2017, and subsequent publication of the contributions in this volume.


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