Svenska institutet i Athen firar 75-årsjubileum!

Publicerad: 2023-10-25

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Varmt välkomna till institutets 75-årsjubileum, den 15 november, i Athen!

Firandet äger rum i Akropolismuseets hörsal Dimitrios Pantermalis kl. 19, med festföreläsningar, tal, stipendieutdelning och konsert. 

Obligatorisk föranmälan. O.S.A. se­nast 6 november: 

Aegean Lecture

Christos G. Doumas, ”Fragments of ideology in the society of Prehistoric Thera”

Publicerad: 2023-10-25

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Aegeus och Svenska institutet i Athen välkomnar er till föredraget 

Fragments of ideology in the society of Prehistoric Thera (föredrag på grekiska)

av Christos G. Doumas.

Fredag 27 oktober, 2023, kl. 19.00 på Svenska institutet i Athen.

Anatolian languages and bridges from the steppes

Workshop 2 November 2023

Publicerad: 2023-10-23

terje oestigaard workshop

All welcome to the workshop 

Anatolian languages and bridges from the steppes.

The workshop takes place on Thursday, November 2, 2023, at 10.00 (Athens) in a hy­brid for­mat with live pres­ence at the Swedish In­sti­tute at Athens, Mit­seon 9, and on­line via Zoom.

It is co-organized by the Swedish Institute at Athens and the Circus network: UNI-CULT - Uppsala University Network on Indo-European Studies of Cultures, Languages and Traditions.

Athens Greek Religion Seminar, in conjunction with Epichorios Research Day

130 Years “Lakonische Kulte”: Current Trends and Future Perspectives on Religion in Lakonia

Publicerad: 2023-10-05

The Altar at the Amyklaion. Picture Credit: Hans Beck.
The Altar at the Amyklaion. Picture Credit: Hans Beck.

All welcome to the workshop 

130 Years “Lakonische Kulte”: Current Trends and Future Perspectives on Religion in Lakonia.

The workshop takes place on Monday, October 23, 2023, at 09.30 (Athens) at the Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9.

The event is co-or­ga­nized by the Epi­chorios Se­ries, Uni­ver­sität Mün­ster, and the Athens Greek Re­li­gion Sem­i­nar.

Sustainable design, innovation & climate change

Lecture by Magnus Rönn

Publicerad: 2023-10-04

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The Master’s Program of the University of West Attica Sustainable Design of Architectural Space invites you to the open lecture of Professor Magnus Rönn, Chalmers University of Technology, entitled:  

Sustainable design, innovation & climate change.

The lecture is introduced by Professor Athanasios Kouzelis and takes place on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, at 12 noon (Athens) at the Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9.

Athens Greek Religion Seminar

Athanassia Zografou: ”Homer, Philology and Magic during the first centuries CE”

Publicerad: 2023-10-02

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Väl­kom­na till ett fö­re­drag av Athanassia Zografou, Ioannina universitet, med ti­teln

Homer, Philology and Magic during the first centuries CE.

Tisdag 10 oktober, 2023, kl 17.00 (Athen) med fy­sisk när­va­ro på Svens­ka in­sti­tu­tet i Athen och di­gi­talt via Zoom.


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