To Embrace and to Reject: Cultural Memories in Roman Macedonia (ca. 1st Century BC – 3rd Century AD)

International Workshop

Publicerad: 2024-10-18

workshop toembraceandtoreject

All welcome to the workshop 

To Embrace and to Reject: Cultural Memories in Roman Macedonia (ca. 1st Century BC – 3rd Century AD).

The workshop takes place on Thursday, 21 and Friday, 22 November, 2024, in a hy­brid for­mat with live pres­ence at the Swedish In­sti­tute at Athens, Mit­seon 9, and on­line via Zoom.

It is co-organized by Georgia Galani (Swedish Institute at Athens) and Panagiotis Tselekas (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki).

Retracing Connections online research dialogue

Layers of Urban History: From Modern to Byzantine Athens through the Athenian Agora Excavations Archives

Publicerad: 2024-04-23

20240507 retracing connections

Svenska institutet i Athen och Retracing Connections Research Programme häslar er välkomna till den andra Retracing Connections online research dialogue, mellan talaren Fotini Kondyli (Virginia/Athen) och moderatorn Milan Vukasinovic (Uppsala), 

From narrative to lived spaces: Digenis Akrites in recent research.

Tisdag 7 maj, 2024, kl. 18.00 (Athen) digitalt via Zoom.

Retracing Connections online research dialogue

From narrative to lived spaces: Digenis Akrites in recent research

Publicerad: 2024-03-07

20240319 retracing connections

Svenska institutet i Athen och Retracing Connections Research Programme häslar er välkomna till den första Retracing Connections online research dialogue mellan Myrto Veikou (Patras) och Markéta Kulhánková (Prag), 

From narrative to lived spaces: Digenis Akrites in recent research.

Moderator: Ingela Nilsson (Uppsala).

Tisdag 19 mars, 2024, kl. 18.00 (Athen) digitalt via Zoom.

Spatial Approaches to Ancient Greek and Cypriot Landscapes


Publicerad: 2023-12-19

spatial approaches 20240125 workshop

Välkomna till workshoppen 

Spatial approaches to Greek and Cypriot landscapes.

Torsdag 25 januari, 2024, kl 15.00-19.00 (gre­kisk tid) med fy­sisk när­va­ro på Svens­ka in­sti­tu­tet i Athen och di­gi­talt via Zoom.

Anatolian languages and bridges from the steppes

Workshop 2 November 2023

Publicerad: 2023-10-23

terje oestigaard workshop

All welcome to the workshop 

Anatolian languages and bridges from the steppes.

The workshop takes place on Thursday, November 2, 2023, at 10.00 (Athens) in a hy­brid for­mat with live pres­ence at the Swedish In­sti­tute at Athens, Mit­seon 9, and on­line via Zoom.

It is co-organized by the Swedish Institute at Athens and the Circus network: UNI-CULT - Uppsala University Network on Indo-European Studies of Cultures, Languages and Traditions.

Between a rock and a hard place. Identifying statue bases from Hellenistic and Roman Athens

Seminarium av Ditte Kvist Johnson

Publicerad: 2023-04-19

Carole Raddato from FRANKFURT, Germany, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.
Carole Raddato from FRANKFURT, Germany, CC BY-SA 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons.

Svenska institutet i Athen hälsar er välkomna till ett seminarium av Ditte Kvist Johnson, Göteborgs universitet, med titeln

Between a rock and a hard place. Identifying statue bases from Hellenistic and Roman Athens.

Måndag 15 maj, 2023, kl 17.00 (gre­kisk tid) med fy­sisk när­va­ro på Svens­ka in­sti­tu­tet i Athen och di­gi­talt via Zoom.

Totalt sökresultat: 28

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