Retracing Connections online research dialogue

Layers of Urban History: From Modern to Byzantine Athens through the Athenian Agora Excavations Archives

Publicerad: 2024-04-23

20240507 retracing connections

Svenska institutet i Athen och Retracing Connections Research Programme häslar er välkomna till den andra Retracing Connections online research dialogue, mellan talaren Fotini Kondyli (Virginia/Athen) och moderatorn Milan Vukasinovic (Uppsala), 

From narrative to lived spaces: Digenis Akrites in recent research.

Tisdag 7 maj, 2024, kl. 18.00 (Athen) digitalt via Zoom.


Can modern urban experiences shape the way we understand Byzantine cities? In this talk, I will discuss  the impact of modern urban experiences on the interpretation of Byzantine Athens, drawing from archaeological records and contemporary socio-economic phenomena. In doing so I follow two distinct story lines. Through an examination of the Athenian Agora Excavations Archives, I discuss how the excavation and recording of the Byzantine layers at the Agora informed narratives about Athens’ post-classical life and urban development. I then turn to contemporary experiences such as Greece’s economic crisis and Athen’s bottom-up urban projects in the crisis aftermath to highlight the relevance of contemporary experiences in enriching our understanding of Byzantine Athens’ spatial configuration and urban dynamics.

Varmt välkomna! 

Bifogade filer: Flyer, Abstrakt

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