Athens Greek Religion Seminar
Programme, Autumn 2021
Publicerad: 2021-08-25
Welcome to the Autumn 2021 series of Athens Greek Religion Seminars.
Preliminary programme
September 7, 17.00
Hedvig von Ehrenheim, Axel Frejman & Patrik Klingborg: Ritual uses of water at Greek sanctuaries (ZOOM format)
October 5, 17.00
Amelia Brown: Rites of the Ancient Mariners: Corinthian Votive Model Boats and Ancient Greek Maritime Religion (ZOOM format)
October 12, 19.00
The Biannual Martin P. Nilsson Lecture:
Nicole Belayche: “On the giants’ shoulders”. The Eleusinian mysteries in the Roman period, between historiography, literary traditions and epigraphy
November 2, 17.00
Athina Kavoulaki: Ritual synergy and intimacy between mortals and immortals in the context of choral lyric
November 30, 17.00
Neil Price: Old Norse religion: origins and comparisons with Greek mythology
December 14, 17.00
Despina Ignatiadou: Burial Practices for Elite Macedonians with Cultic Duties
The seminars will take place at 17h (Athens time) via Zoom until further notice.
To participate, send an email to swedinst[at]sia[dot]gr
Links will be available one week ahead of each seminar.