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Athens Greek Religion Seminar

Programme, Autumn 2021


Welcome to the Autumn 2021 series of Athens Greek Religion Seminars.

Preliminary programme

September 7, 17.00
Hedvig von Ehrenheim, Axel Frejman & Patrik Klingborg: Ritual uses of water at Greek sanctuaries (ZOOM format)

October 5, 17.00
Amelia Brown: Rites of the Ancient Mariners: Corinthian Votive Model Boats and Ancient Greek Maritime Religion (ZOOM format)

October 12, 19.00
The Biannual Martin P. Nilsson Lecture:
Nicole Belayche: “On the giants’ shoulders”. The Eleusinian mysteries in the Roman period, between historiography, literary traditions and epigraphy

November 2, 17.00
Athina KavoulakiRitual synergy and intimacy between mortals and immortals in the context of choral lyric

November 30, 17.00
Neil PriceOld Norse religion: origins and comparisons with Greek mythology

December 14, 17.00
Despina Ignatiadou: Burial Practices for Elite Macedonians with Cultic Duties

The seminars will take place at 17h (Athens time) via Zoom until further notice.

To participate, send an email to swedinst[at]sia[dot]gr

Links will be available one week ahead of each seminar.


Utskriven: 2025-02-14
Från sidan: Svenska institutet i Athen