Aegean Lecture

Ioannis Soukantos, ”Intercommunal organization and contact networks in Eastern Macedonia during the Late Bronze Age: A cultural crossroad under investigation”

Publicerad: 2023-11-20

aegean 20231124 soukantos

Aegeus och Svenska institutet i Athen välkomnar er till föredraget 

Intercommunal organization and contact networks in Eastern Macedonia during the Late Bronze Age: A cultural crossroad under investigation

av Ioannis Soukantos, länsantikvariska myndigheten i Lesvos.

Fredag 24 november, 2023, kl. 19.00 på Svenska institutet i Athen.

Föredraget kommer att hållas på grekiska. 

Eastern Macedonia (Northern Greece) during the Late Bronze Age is a terra incognita and at the same time a promising field of research for the scientific archaeological community, both in terms of occupation and in terms of the networks of contacts that were formed at this region during that period. Covering an area of about 10.000 sq. km, with a strong alternation of large mountains, extensive fertile valleys and large river systems, this area was an important cultural bridge between the Aegean, Balkan, and Anatolian worlds.

Considering networks theory, geography, paleoenvironment, the old and new archaeological data of the area, a comprehensive presentation will be attempted about the spatial organization of LBA sites, as well as for the contact networks that were formed between them.

The aim is to shed further light on the important role that this cultural-geographical unit played in the wider network of contacts that formed during the Late Bronze Age in the Eastern Mediterranean region.

Bidogad fil: Ab­stract

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