Anatolian languages and bridges from the steppes

Workshop 2 November 2023

Publicerad: 2023-10-23

terje oestigaard workshop

All welcome to the workshop 

Anatolian languages and bridges from the steppes.

The workshop takes place on Thursday, November 2, 2023, at 10.00 (Athens) in a hy­brid for­mat with live pres­ence at the Swedish In­sti­tute at Athens, Mit­seon 9, and on­line via Zoom (Zoom link: If you want to attend the workshop at the Swedish Institute, please register by email to

It is co-organized by the Swedish Institute at Athens and the Circus network: UNI-CULT - Uppsala University Network on Indo-European Studies of Cultures, Languages and Traditions.


10.00-10.10 Welcome to the Swedish Institute at Athens
Jenny Wallensten, director of the Swedish Institute at Athens

10.10-10.30 The Circus network: UNI-CULT - Uppsala University Network on Indo-European Studies of Cultures, Languages and Traditions
Terje Østigård, Dept. of Arch. and Ancient History, Uppsala University

10.30-11.00 Introduction to the Anatolian languages and their relevance for Indo-European studies
Oscar Billing, Dept. of Linguistics and Philology, Uppsala University

11.00-12.00 The Indo-Anatolian homeland and the Anatolian trek
Alwin Kloekhorst, Centre for Linguistics, Leiden University

12.00-13.30 Lunch

13.30-14.30 The Linguistic Landscape of Bronze and Iron Age Anatolia
Zsolt Simon, Hungarian Research Centre for Linguistics, Budapest                    

14.30-15.30 Contact phenomena between Anatolian and Hellenic languages
Michele Bianconi, Faculty of Classics, Oxford University

15.30-16.00 Round table and discussion

Warmly welcome!

Attached files: Programme

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