Signs of the Times – The Archaeology of Late Bronze Age Kydonia/Khania

International conference

Publicerad: 2023-04-19

signsofthetimes 2023

The conference will take place as a hy­brid event, Friday, May 26 – Saturday, May 27, 2023, physically at the Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities in Stockholm, Fredsgatan 2, and digitally on Zoom.

With generous support from Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (the Swedish Foundation for Humanities and Social Sciences).


Friday 26th of May

9.30–9.45 Prof. Arja Karivieri, Stockholm University, Welcome to Stockholm! The Department of Classical Studies at Stockholm University 75 years

9.45–10.00 Dr Jenny Wallensten, Swedish Institute at Athens, The Swedish Institute at Athens 75 years and the importance of the Greek-Swedish and Greek-Swedish-Danish field projects

10.00–11.00 Dr Maria Andreadaki-Vlazaki, The Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports, The Minoan Habitation under the Town of Khania


11.30–12.00 Prof. Erik Hallager, The Greek-Swedish- and Greek-Swedish-Danish excavations and their impact on Minoan Crete

12.00–12.30 Dr Birgitta P. Hallager, The local Kydonia pottery workshop and its impact

12.30–13.00 Dr Eftychia Protopapadaki, Prepalatial pottery groups from the Greek–Swedish Excavations at the Agia Aikaterini square, Kastelli Chania


14.30–15.00 Dr Olga Krzyszkowska, University of London, Late Minoan Seals and Sealing Practices: Insights from Khania

15.00–15.30 Dr Doniert Evely, Knossos, The nature of the small finds from Kastelli, Khania


16.00–16.30 Prof. Ann-Louise Schallin, Stockholm University, Terracotta figurines from Khania

16.30–17.00 Dr Anaya Sarpaki, independent scholar, The archaeobotanical landscape of Bronze Age Kydonia/ Chania

17.00–17.30 Dr Dimitra Mylona, Institute for Aegean Prehistory - Study Center for East Crete, Earthquakes, pastoral economics and religious fervor: animal sacrifice at LM IIIB Kydonia, (Khania)


Saturday 27th of May 2023

10.00–10.30 Dr Vassilis Petrakis, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Total ku-do-ni-ja: integrating archaeological and textual evidence in the study of a remarkable centre in LM II-IIIB Crete

10.30–11.00 Dr P.J.P. McGeorge, independent scholar, The human bones from the Minoan graves and Katre 1, Khania


11.30 General discussion

12.00 -12.30 Prof. Gunhild Vidén, University of Gothenburg, Conclusion–from a personal point of view



Dr Eleni Papadopoulou, Ephorate of Antiquities of Khania

Dr Stavroula Markoulaki, Ephorate of Antiquities of Khania

Dr Anastasia Tzigounaki, Ephorate of Antiquities of Rethymno


Sign up to participate on Friday, May 26 (Day 1)

Sign up to participate on Saturday, May 27 (Day 2)

Attached file: Poster, Programme

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