Athens Greek Religion Seminar
Program, våren 2021
Publicerad: 2020-12-23
Välkomna till institutets seminarier om grekisk religion, Athens Greek Religion Seminars, för våren 2021.
Preliminärt program
19 januari, 17.00
Colleen Kron: “Children in the thiasos?” Evidence for the Initiation of Children into Orphic-Bacchic Mystery Cults
9 februari, 17.00
Axel Frejman: A Broader View: Understanding Activities Outside the Temenos of Rural Sanctuaries
30 mars, 17.00
Catherine Keesling: Hera at Olympia: Cult and Collection
20 april, 17.00
Natalia Tsoumpra: Recreation through Destruction?
The Sacrificial Ritual in Aristophanes’ Knights
4 maj, 17.00
Ariadne Klonizaki: Social Groups and the Cult of Asklepios
25 maj, 17.00
Christina Williamson: Deep-mapping the Asklepieion of Pergamon through the Sacred Tales of Aelius Aristides
15 juni, 17.00
Gunnel Ekroth: Welcome to the Temenos Family.
Exploring Notions of Greek Sanctuary Space
Samtliga seminarier börjar kl. 17.00 (Grekisk tid) och sker via Zoom.
Skicka mejl till katerina.gabierakis[at]sia[dot]gr om du önskar delta.
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