Athens Garden Festival: Bees and Buzz

Pollen go round

Publicerad: 2021-09-20

agf bees buzz event 5.2 cover

An interactive educational workshop for families created by the multidisciplinary team of The Bee Camp on the importance of the bees for the planet. Through interactive activities and games for families we aim to raise awareness about the important role of the bees, their role on pollination and the issues they face on a world level. The participants will be invited to explore life in the hive through a theater game and learn all about how they can take actions to protect the bees! This event is part of the Bees & Buzz activities, that aims to create awareness on the protection of the urban biodiversity, focusing on the vital role of parks and green spaces for supporting pollinators in urban environments.

Saturday 25 September at 12.00, outdoor space by the Children’s library, National Garden.

Register via email: or

This event is part of the Bees & Buzz activities, that aims to create awareness on the protection of the urban biodiversity, focusing on the vital role of parks and green spaces for supporting pollinators in urban environments.

"Bees & Buzz" is part of the EUNIC Garden festival taking place 20-26 September. Visit:  for more information on all events.

Read more about the Athens Garden Festival event on Facebook:

Συννημένο αρχείο: Δελτίο Τύπου

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