Athens Garden Festival: Bees and Buzz

Bees in the city: Could urban environments support pollinators?

Publicerad: 2021-09-19

agf bees buzz event 5.1 cover

Αn open roundtable discussion in English with European experts on the importance of bees and other pollinators in the urban environment as well as the role of the cities and the urban citizens on their conservation.

Thursday 23 September 19.00 EEST (online, on Zoom).

Register via email

Greece - Dr. Antonis Tsagkarakis, Assistant Professor of Agricultural and Productive Entomology - Agricultural University of Athens.

Sweden - Prof. Erik Andersson, PhD., Associate Professor at Stockholm Resilience Centre, Stockholm University.

Norway - Ms. Tora Fougner-Økland, Plant Biologist, Beekeeper.

Romania - Prof. Cristina Bianca POCOL, Department for animal production & food safety, University of Agricultural Sciences & Veterinary Medicine of Cluj Napoca.

Slovenia - Dr. Prof Aleš Gregorc, Professor of Apiculture, University of Maribor, Vice Dean for Quality.

Austria -  Mr. Herbert Weidinger,, Vice deputy chief of the Forest and Urban Agriculture department from the city of Vienna.

UK -  Ms. Catherine du Toit, Director 51 architecture, Vice President, Architectural Association.

Discussion curator and moderator Ms. Aggelina Kanellopoulou, Founder of The Bee Camp NGO.

This event is part of the Bees & Buzz activities, that aims to create awareness on the protection of the urban biodiversity, focusing on the vital role of parks and green spaces for supporting pollinators in urban environments.  

Read more about the event on Facebook:

"Bees & Buzz" is part of the EUNIC Garden festival taking place 20-26 September. Visit:  for more information on all events.

Read more about the Athens Garden Festival event on Facebook:

Attached file: Press release

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