Athens Greek Religion Seminar, in conjunction with Epichorios Research Day

130 Years “Lakonische Kulte”: Current Trends and Future Perspectives on Religion in Lakonia

Publicerad: 2023-10-05

The Altar at the Amyklaion. Picture Credit: Hans Beck.
The Altar at the Amyklaion. Picture Credit: Hans Beck.

All welcome to the workshop 

130 Years “Lakonische Kulte”: Current Trends and Future Perspectives on Religion in Lakonia.

The workshop takes place on Monday, October 23, 2023, at 09.30 (Athens) at the Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9.

The event is co-or­ga­nized by the Epi­chorios Se­ries, Uni­ver­sität Mün­ster, and the Athens Greek Re­li­gion Sem­i­nar.

Sustainable design, innovation & climate change

Lecture by Magnus Rönn

Publicerad: 2023-10-04

20231011 ronn

The Master’s Program of the University of West Attica Sustainable Design of Architectural Space invites you to the open lecture of Professor Magnus Rönn, Chalmers University of Technology, entitled:  

Sustainable design, innovation & climate change.

The lecture is introduced by Professor Athanasios Kouzelis and takes place on Wednesday, October 11, 2023, at 12 noon (Athens) at the Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9.

Athens Greek Religion Seminar

Athanassia Zografou: ”Homer, Philology and Magic during the first centuries CE”

Publicerad: 2023-10-02

agrs 20231010 zografou

Väl­kom­na till ett fö­re­drag av Athanassia Zografou, Ioannina universitet, med ti­teln

Homer, Philology and Magic during the first centuries CE.

Tisdag 10 oktober, 2023, kl 17.00 (Athen) med fy­sisk när­va­ro på Svens­ka in­sti­tu­tet i Athen och di­gi­talt via Zoom.

The Greek-Swedish maritime archaeological survey of the waters outside Asine and Tolo

Asine (Argolis, Greece), October 2023

Publicerad: 2023-09-21

Photo: Niklas Eriksson
Photo: Niklas Eriksson

The  five-year maritime archaeological project, starting in October 2023, is a collaboration between the Ephorate of Underwater Antiquities, the Swedish Institute at Athens and Stockholm University, with participants also from the University of Gothenburg and the company Nordic Maritime Group. 

Athens Greek Religion Seminar

Sofia Aneziri: ”Religious Munificence in the Community: Α Phenomenon with Various Motives”

Publicerad: 2023-09-15

Aer­ial pho­to­graph of the Sanc­tu­ary of Po­sei­don at Kalaureia.
Aer­ial pho­to­graph of the Sanc­tu­ary of Po­sei­don at Kalaureia.

Väl­kom­na till ett fö­re­drag av Sofia Aneziri, Athens universitet, med ti­teln

Religious Munificence in the Community: Α Phenomenon with Various Motives.

Tisdag 26 september, 2023, kl 17.00 (Athen) med fy­sisk när­va­ro på Svens­ka in­sti­tu­tet i Athen och di­gi­talt via Zoom.

Europeiska språkdagen 2023

Var med och fira den Europeiska språkdagen!

Publicerad: 2023-09-11

edl 2023

Fira årets Europeiska språkdag med oss!

Lördag den 23 september, kl. 10.00-15.00, Barnens bibliotek, Nationalparken.

Grekiska Filmdagar, 2023

Publicerad: 2023-09-06

grekiska filmdagar 2023

Un­der ok­to­ber må­nad an­ord­nar Svens­ka in­sti­tu­tet i Athen, Stif­tel­sen Gre­kis­ka Kul­tur­hu­set, Gre­kis­ka Sko­lan i Stock­holm och Kvinnosektionen i Grekiska föreningen i Stockholm tre film­da­gar på Zita Fol­kets Bio i Stock­holm, den 1, 8 re­spek­ti­ve 15 ok­to­ber, 2023, kl. 17:00.

Filmdagarna syftar till att lyfta fram ny spännande grekisk film.

Totalt sökresultat: 239

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