Bridges. En gemensam föreläsningsserie för de svenska instituten i Athen och Rom

Jan Stubbe Østergaard: ”The recent history of research on the polychromy of Greek and Roman sculpture: The Copenhagen angle”

Publicerad: 2024-10-08

bridges 20241015 ostergaard

De svens­ka in­sti­tu­ten i Athen och Rom väl­kom­nar er till näs­ta fö­re­läs­ning­en i se­ri­en Bridges.

Jan Stubbe Østergaard kom­mer att hål­la en fö­re­läs­ning med ti­teln

The recent history of research on the polychromy of Greek and Roman sculpture: The Copenhagen angle.

Since the 1980’s, research on the polychromy of sculpture and architecture in Classical Antiquity has experienced a break-through. Though still relatively small, the field is fully established as an interdisciplinary and international scholarly player producing results with an increasing impact on classical studies.
The lecture is historiographical, outlining the main phases of this positive development through the ‘lense’ of the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. The museum became involved from 2000 onwards and has since become a recognized contributor to recent research. The lecture aims to throw light on the connections existing between a specific research venture – the Tracking Colour Project at the Glyptotek – and other, international research initiatives.

Jan Stubbe Østergaard

Jan Stubbe Østergaard is an emeritus research curator at the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. He holds a BA in Classical Philology and a MA in classical archaeology from the University of Copenhagen. From 1981 till 2017 he held curatorial positions in the collection of Greek and Roman antiquities in the Glyptotek. He became Curator of Research in 2008 and acted as director of the Tracking Colour project 2009-2015.

Fö­re­läs­ning­en ges i hy­brid­for­mat, med fy­sisk när­va­ro på Svens­ka in­sti­tu­tet i Rom, Via Ome­ro 14, och di­gi­talt via Zoom, tis­dag den 15 oktober, 2024, kl. 18 (Rom/​Sve­ri­ge) kl. 19 (Athen)

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