Retracing Connections Seminar

Theodora Antonopoulou: "John Chrysostom in 10th-century Literature"

Publicerad: 2022-02-01

retracing connections sem220204

Väl­kom­na till ett fö­re­drag av Theodora Antonopoulou, Athen, med titeln

John Chrysostom in 10th-century Literature.

Fredag 4 februari, 2022, kl 16.15 (gre­kisk tid) di­gi­talt via Zoom. 

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The seminar will focus on two distinct but parallel literary strands in tenth-century literature on the famous Church Father John Chrysostom: on the one hand, the hagiographical Lives of him, especially the Life by Nicetas David the Paphlagonian, who also composed an encomium on the saint; on the other, two hymnographical canons composed by none other than Emperor Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus. The presentation draws on my research on and publication of some of these texts in recent years and draws attention to the literary transformations of Chrysostom’s story and its relevance in the tenth-century.

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