Naoko Sakata Trio
Det svenska bidraget till Athens & Prevezas Jazz Festival, år 2016
Publicerad: 2016-05-13

Svenska institutet i Athen har bjudit in Naoko Sakata Trio för att spela på:
– 16th Athens Technopolis Jazz Festival, lördag 28 maj 2016, kl. 23.00 och
– 14th Preveza Jazz Festival, söndag 29 maj 2016.
Bandet består av Naoko Sakata (piano), Alfred Lorinius (bas) och Johan Birgenius (trummor).
Naoko Sakata Trio moves between the composed and the improvised, with intuitive interplay, quick turns and a lot of surprises. In 2008, Japanese born pianist Naoko Sakata moved to Sweden to study at the Academy of Music and Drama at Gothenburg University. Naoko received the «Best soloist prize» in the Young Nordic Jazz Comets 2009 and the Swedish Radio award «Jazz Cat – Newcomer of the year» in 2011. The trio has performed in Scandinavia, Europe, North Africa and Japan. This lineup was constant until the fall of 2013, when Alfred Lorinius joined them, expanding the already vast palette of the trio with a rhythmic flavour that embraces the listener.
För ytterligare information:
Naoko Sakata Trio:
Athens Technopolis Jazz Festival: och
Preveza Jazz Festival: och