Athens Greek Religion Seminar & Roman Seminar

Silvana Blazevska, Dafni Maikidou-Poutrino & Barbette Spaeth: ”Aspects of the cult of Isis in Roman Greece”

Δημοσιευμένο: 2023-03-13

agrs 20230329 roman seminar2

All welcome to the round-table discussion

Aspects of the cult of Isis in Roman Greece,

by Silvana Blazevska, Dafni Maikidou-Poutrinou and Barbette Spaeth. 

Discussant: Eleni Fassa.

The event is jointly co-or­ga­nized by the Ro­man Sem­i­nar – an Athens-based ini­tia­tive host­ing lec­tures on the ar­chae­ol­ogy and her­itage of Ro­man Greece – and the Athens Greek Re­li­gion Sem­i­nar.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023, at 17.00 (Athens time) in a hybrid format with live presence at the Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9, and via Zoom link. 

Attached files: flyer

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Εκδηλώσεις του μήνα

Τρίτη 2025-01-21

Χώρος: Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9, Athens, Map
Ώρα: 17:00 (Athens)

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