The Athens Greek Religion Seminar: Wolf-Dietrich Niemeier, “The Sanctuary of Athena at Miletos: Cult Continuity from the Minoan Period to the Persian Destruction of 494 BC”

Athens Greek Religion Seminar

Wolf-Dietrich Niemeier: ”The Sanctuary of Athena at Miletos: Cult Continuity from the Minoan Period to the Persian Destruction of 494 BC”

Publicerad: 2024-01-31

agrs 20240227 niemeier

Wolf-Dietrich Niemeier, Deutsches Archäologisches Institut, will give a paper entitled

Cult Continuity from the Minoan Period to the Persian Destruction of 494 BC.

The seminar takes place on Tuesday, February 27, 2024, at 17.00 (Athens) in a hybrid format with live presence at the Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9, and online via Zoom. 

Warmly welcome!

Attached files: Flyer, Abstract

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Onsdag 2025-02-05

Boken ”Rymlingarna” och inte bara...

Plats: Σουηδικό Ινστιτούτο Αθηνών, Μητσαίων 9, Map
Tid: 19:00

Tisdag 2025-02-11

Plats: Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9, Athens, Map
Tid: 17:00 (Athens)

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