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The Martin P. Nilsson Lecture on Greek Religion

Prof. Renaud Gagné: ”How to Write a Festival? The Ritual Archive of Ancient Greek Religion”


The Swedish Institute at Athens invites you to attend The Biannual Martin P. Nilsson Lecture on Ancient Greek Religion

How to Write a Festival? The Ritual Archive of Ancient Greek Religion

by Prof. Renaud Gagné, University of Cambridge, on Tuesday, November 28, 2023 at 7 p.m. (Athens), in a hy­brid for­mat with live pres­ence at the Swedish In­sti­tute at Athens, Mit­seon 9, and on­line via Zoom.

Warmly welcome!

Attached files: Flyer, Abstract

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Printed: 2025-01-22
From the web page: Swedish Institute at Athens