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Vikings Lecture Series

Mads Runge: "Harald Bluetooth’s ring fortresses – The largest construction project of the Viking-Age"


The Danish, Norwegian & Swedish Institutes at Athens invite you to a lecture by Mads Runge (Head of the Research Center, CENTRUM at Odense City Museums), entitled Harald Bluetooth’s ring fortresses – The largest construction project of the Viking-Age.

The lecture takes place Wednesday November 24, 2021, 19.00 (Athens time) with limited live attendance in accordance with the current health safety measures at the Danish Institute at Athens, Herefondos 14, and via Zoom link. 

To register (for presence or Zoom), please contact antonia.pilarinos@diathens.gr (mandatory).

Warmly welcome!

Attached files: Flyer

Printed: 2025-02-17
From the web page: Swedish Institute at Athens