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Workshop: New Currents in Ancient Water Studies


Invitation to the workshop


November 10, 2020

The digital workshop New Currents in Ancient Water Studies is arranged in cooperation between the Swedish Institute at Athens and the Frontinus Gesellschaft. The event aims to present ongoing projects studying the water supply in the ancient world from the Levant and North Africa to the northern provinces of the Empire and Rome itself. The workshop begins from the east with Rick Bonnie, Saimi Kautonen and Niko Aarnio discussing the religious responses to climate change through the usage of Jewish ritual baths during the Roman period. Thereafter, new work tracing the water system in Trier is presented by Florian Tanz and Sascha Schmitz, as well as the results of recent fieldwork in Hermione in the Argolid by Patrik Klingborg. The workshop then continues with Dylan Rogers who presents his newly published research on water and memory on the Forum Romanum in Rome. This leads up to Cecelia Feldman’s talk on the interrelationship between Greek mythology and hydrology. Finally, the workshop is concluded by Mark Locicero who discusses the, often hidden, water systems in Roman Volubilis, located in modern Marocco. By doing so he sheds light on an otherwise often overlooked part of the Empire.

Note that the event will take place digitally using Zoom, November 10, 2020, 16.00–20.00 (GMT+2). Registration to patrik.klingborg@sia.gr is required in order to participate.

Attached files: Poster, Schedule

Printed: 2025-02-06
From the web page: Swedish Institute at Athens