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Athens Greek Religion Seminar

Programme, Autumn 2015


Welcome to the Autumn 2015 series of Athens Greek Religion Seminars.


September 29, 15.00: Emmanuel Voutiras, Religious acts in the reconciliation agreement of Dikaia

October 13, 15.00: Eleni Fassa, Claiming autochthony in Roman Macedonia: The Mother Goddess of Leukopetra

October 30, 15.00: Julia Shear, The Little Panathenaia and the Creation of Identities in Ancient Athens

November 24, 15.00: Thanasis Papadopoulos, The Heroon of Odysseus at Ithaca Reconsidered

December 8, 15.00: Kerasia Stratiki, Mortality and Immortality in Ancient Greek Religion: The case of heroic cult in the ”Periegesis” of Pausanias

December 18, 15.00: Maria Mili & Jenny Wallensten, Olympian & Chthonian? The cult of Hermes Chthonios

All seminars are free of charge and take place at the Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9. No registration is required.


For questions,
please contact the organisers Jenny Wallensten and Soi Agelidis:

Printed: 2025-02-09
From the web page: Swedish Institute at Athens