Welcome to the Spring 2019 series of Athens Greek Religion Seminars.
January 22, 15.00
Elias Koulakiotis: Arrian the Priest: Religious Expertise in Local and Imperial Context
February 12, 15.00
Flint Dibble: Meat on the Bones:Zooarchaeological Patterns of Ancient Greek Sacrifice
March 26, 15.00
Soi Agelidis: Death and World Order: Implications of Hadesʼ chthonic aspects.
April 9, 15.00
Massimo Giuseppetti: The Sacred Landscape of Callimachus’ Acontius and Cydippe
May 28, 15.00
Maria Patera: Superstitions des grecs
June 11, 15.00
Selene Psoma: Title to be announced
All seminars are free of charge and take place at the Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9. No registration is required.
For questions,
please contact the organisers
Jenny Wallensten, jenny.wallensten[at]sia[dot]gr
Printed: 2025-02-17
From the web page: Swedish Institute at Athens