Welcome to the Autumn 2017 series of Athens Greek Religion Seminars.
February 2, 15.00
Evangelia Stephani: The Mother of Gods at Leukopetra: Μήτηρ Φρυγία or Αυτόχθων?
February 28, 15.00
Carolyn Laferrière: The Ephemeral Muse: Ritual Context and Aesthetics in Fifth-Century Athenian Vase-Painting.
March 28, 15.00
Troels Myrup Kristensen: Greek Religion and the New Mobilities Paradigm.
April 20, 15.00
Theodora Jim: Salvation̔ and ̔Saviour̕ Gods in Ancient Greece.
May 9, 15.00
Stéphanie Wyler: Wild wild west: How Greek are the Dionysiac mysteries in the Roman world?
May 30, 15.00
Gunnel Ekroth: Title to be announced.
June 13, 15.00
Polyxeni Strolonga: The intersection of Religion and Medicine: Epidaurian Iamata and Delphic Oracles on Having Children.
All seminars are free of charge and take place at the Swedish Institute at Athens, Mitseon 9. No registration is required.
For questions,
please contact the organisers
Jenny Wallensten, jenny.wallensten[at]sia[dot]gr or
Soi Agelidis, soi.agelidis[at]gmail[dot]com
Printed: 2025-02-09
From the web page: Swedish Institute at Athens