The PELOPS group in cooperation with the Swedish Institute at Athens and the American School of Classical Studies at Athens
The conference is a collaborative effort among members of the PELOPS (Past Environments and Landscapes of Peloponnesian Societies) group, which is an interdisciplinary group of scholars with an ongoing engagement in human-environment interaction in the Peloponnese from archaeology,
history, environmental and climate reconstructions.
The primary aim of the conference is to make a contribution to the ongoing debate concerning the form and content of interdisciplinary research on human-environment dynamics in past societies from prehistory to Late Antiquity. The conference will be an arena for innovative ideas, integrated methods and lessons learnt from current interdisciplinary projects in the Peloponnese and beyond. In answer to the open call for more collaborative research efforts, the conference will host 17 lectures by members of the PELOPS group and invited speakers, presenting well integrated accounts of human-environment interactions in past societies.
The conference will open on Thursday, 6 April, 2017, 7 pm at the Acropolis museum, with a lecture by Michael GIVEN (University of Glasgow),
‘Conviviality of the land: towards a new academic ecology’, followed by a welcome reception at the Swedish Institute at Athens.
The conference will thereafter take place at the American School of Classical Studies at Athens, 7-8 April, 9 am-18 pm.
Printed: 2025-02-10
From the web page: Swedish Institute at Athens